Wednesday, August 19, 2015

We're Pregnant and it's BOY!

My husband and I waited a really long time before telling everyone we were expecting. For lack of a better word and explanation..we didn't want to jinx anything. After telling our family and friends, a few weeks later we had a gender reveal party. I baked a cake that was blue and covered it with white frosting so that when I cut into it we'd reveal the gender. Everyone got to vote on what they thought it was and the majority of people thought it was a girl! They said my stomach didn't look pointy enough for it to be a boy. Pointy??? Honestly for a long time, I don't think I looked pregnant, I just looked like a had pudge. You know how after you eat you can stick your stomach out? That's how I looked.

Throughout my pregnancy everyone kept asking me how I felt, was I nervous, scared, stressed. I never knew how to answer because the truth was I felt fine. I wasn't nervous or scared. I felt the same as I've always felt except for my growing stomach, nothing else really changed. All I really cared about was that he was happy and healthy. Not knowing how he was doing in there gave me a little bit of anxiety, but as far as worried about being parent, or how life would change, I didn't really feel that.

Sure things were going to change, but that's what we wanted right? When deciding to have a child, it's expected isn't it?

This was our announcement photo


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