Sunday, August 30, 2015

What to take from the hospital

I know every hospital is different, but I'm pretty sure these products are pretty standard. I was completely clueless as to what sort of damage and pain I was going to experience after delivery! I prepared myself for the actual delivery, but I forgot about the recovery. The items below really helped me out with the recovery process. 

  1. Peri bottle - this is a squirt bottle to help with cleaning your lady parts and to also relieve the burn when you pee. I know this is TMI, but it has to be said; it hurts...a lot when you pee because your pee is acidic so squirt water with this peri bottle as you are peeing to dilute it and lessen the pain.
  2. Dermoplast spray - this is like a numbing spray to also help with the pain. I know I'm getting a little bit ahead, but this is what my nurse advised me to do: on the huge maxi pads put about 3 of the witch hazel pads so it covers the maxi pad from your front to your back then spray the dermoplast on the witch hazel pads. That is what I did and it really helped! 
  3. Mesh Undies - I'm sure you've heard about these from every other blog out there, and just about everyone you know that's delivered a baby. They're great, they're stretchy and they will help a lot.
  4. Witch Hazel pads - I used these the most, I took what the hospital gave me and then purchased more from the store as well. These things are amazing. You get a a cooling sensation that instantly helps with the pain.
  5. Oversized pads - these are definitely a must. No matter how easy or difficult your delivery was, if you delivered vaginally there will be blood at least right after. If you're looking for a replica of what the hospital gives you, those are huge!, try the Always Discreet, Incontinence Pads. These come pretty close to what you were using in the hospital.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Packing Your Hospital Bag

When my due date started nearing the next thing on my list was to pack my hospital back. The first thing I did was go on google and search for lists of what I will need. What I got was an overwhelming plethora of things to pack, things not to pack, things I might need. Not to mention every blog contradicted the next. So I took in all of the information and tried my best to figure out the right essentials for me. I'm not a minimalist, but I don't over pack either. I just like to be prepared. So here's my list of things I packed and what I actually used. I hope this will help and not add to the confusion!

1. Things to keep by your bedside. 
I packed hand lotion, chapstick, deodorant, hair ties, concealer, a compact mirror and breath mints.
I only used the hair ties and deodorant.

2. Things to keep in the bathroom.
I packed shampoo and conditioner, body wash, face wash, face moisturizer, Listerine, tooth brush (one for me and one for hubby) and toothpaste.
I was able to shower there and I used all of those things.

3. Clothes for mom
I packed my own PJs, a robe, nursing bra, t-shirt and yoga pants to go home in and flip flops.
I didn't use the PJs or robe, I just stayed in the hospital gown. The nursing bra helped with breastfeeding because it kind of pushes your boobs up and makes it easier for baby. The t-shirt and yoga pants were maternity ones. I used my flip flops the whole time.

4. Things for baby.
I packed a nursing pillow, nursing pads, clothes for baby, swaddle and blanket.
The nursing pillow was really helpful while I was learning to nurse baby. I used the baby clothes when we were discharged to go home and the blanket as well. I didn't use the nursing pads because I simply just didn't have a lot of milk yet. I also didn't use the swaddle because the nurses there swaddled him in the hospital blankets.

5. Things for dad.
I asked him what he wanted me to pack and all he wanted were some sweats and a t-shirt, a pillow and a blanket.

I hope this will help some of you!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

We're Pregnant and it's BOY!

My husband and I waited a really long time before telling everyone we were expecting. For lack of a better word and explanation..we didn't want to jinx anything. After telling our family and friends, a few weeks later we had a gender reveal party. I baked a cake that was blue and covered it with white frosting so that when I cut into it we'd reveal the gender. Everyone got to vote on what they thought it was and the majority of people thought it was a girl! They said my stomach didn't look pointy enough for it to be a boy. Pointy??? Honestly for a long time, I don't think I looked pregnant, I just looked like a had pudge. You know how after you eat you can stick your stomach out? That's how I looked.

Throughout my pregnancy everyone kept asking me how I felt, was I nervous, scared, stressed. I never knew how to answer because the truth was I felt fine. I wasn't nervous or scared. I felt the same as I've always felt except for my growing stomach, nothing else really changed. All I really cared about was that he was happy and healthy. Not knowing how he was doing in there gave me a little bit of anxiety, but as far as worried about being parent, or how life would change, I didn't really feel that.

Sure things were going to change, but that's what we wanted right? When deciding to have a child, it's expected isn't it?

This was our announcement photo