This Bouncer - I threw away the box and don't know what it's called exactly. I was able to find something similar on Amazon. It was a gift, but I saw some at Burlington Coat Factory a few weeks back. Baby loves it! You can put batteries in it and I guess it's supposed to bounce or vibrate on its own, I don't know I never purchased batteries, I just bounce him myself. If he's crying or anything I just put him in here and he calms down. Sometimes it even makes him drowsy so I can pick him up and put him to bed. I have to admit I didn't expect much from it, it doesn't look like much, but let me tell you it is essential to our daily routine.
Sleepsack - we've tried a few different sleepsacks by different brands, but the HALO one is my favorite. I just find myself always reaching for it or missing it when it's in the hamper waiting to get washed. I just put it on baby at night over his pjs and I feel better knowing he's not cold.
Zipper Onesies - I love these, I originally got mine from Target and they're the Gerber brand. I use these as his pjs. The fabric feels soft and light and when I need to change him at night, the zipper makes it so much easier and faster.
Formula Dispenser - How cute is this?!? I just think it's so cute and practical. It does what I need it to do and I smile whenever I look it.
Boppy Lounger - This lounger has become an essential item for us, especially when we're feeding baby from a bottle. We just lay him on there and feed him or let him sit with us. He seems to really like it and even falls alseep on it sometimes so we can just pick him up and put him in his crib. It just makes it easier for us and him.